How Building Code Permits Cladding To Be Installed Over Halo Exterra (with 10 psi compressive strength)

Section R703.15 (Cladding attachment over foam sheathing to wood framing) of the International Residential Code for One-and Two-Family Dwellings (IRC) outlines the options for installing cladding over top of foam sheathing or with wood furring. The clause also notes that the cladding manufacturers’ approved instructions must be followed as well as any limitations they specify […]
Securing Exterior Insulation Greater Than 2 Inches (50mm) In Thickness

Exterior continuous insulation such as Halo Exterra has become a minimum requirement in building codes across most of North America for residential buildings. At the initial stages of exterior insulation, the thickness applied ranges from ½ an inch (13mm) up to 2 inches (50mm) depending on the climatic zone. As building codes progress towards more […]
How To Properly Fasten Rigid Foam Board Insulation

Explore the common nailing patterns for fastening non-structural Halo Exterra panels to these different substrate types. Read on to learn more!
What’s The Best Way to Apply House Wrap to Halo’s Exterra?

Exterra provides an effective air control layer by default, so technically speaking, you don’t need any additional house wrap. So, regardless of the method you go with, you’ll have that integral air barrier in your wall.
What Are Acceptable Adhesives for Halo Foam Board Insulation?
When choosing an acceptable adhesive for your foam board insulation, you should use a weather-resistant construction glue that is compatible with expanded polystyrene foam to secure Halo products to wood or concrete surfaces. Discover two great options here.
Why Adding a Layer of CI Is the More Cost-Effective Way to Increase Effective R-Value of Above-Grade Walls

Simply adding a layer of CI, such as Halo’s Exterra, can give you a whopping 34.5% R-Value boost, while only increasing your costs slightly. This method also creates a higher thermal lag, leading to reduced long-term energy costs.
What Is the Difference Between Halo Exterra and Comfortboard?
Halo Exterra performs two functions in a building enclosure assembly (thermal resistance + functions as the water control layer with sealed joints), whereas Comfortboard by Rockwool only performs a single function providing a somewhat lower thermal resistance.